Investment Planning

If you have a lump sum, or would like to save regularly, or you just want a second opinion on your current investments, then we can help.
We make sure that your investments are working towards your goals, and you are taking an appropriate amount of risk.
Investment planning is a key part of ensuring that your future goals can be achieved. However, we believe that you should be asking yourself some fundamental questions right now.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
What is the purpose for your savings?
- What is diversification, and how can it help me?
- Have I got investments and want to make sure they are performing well?
- Have I had my pension investment checked?
- Do I know exactly what funds I am invested in?
- Am I being tax as tax efficient as possible with my investments?
And just as importantly, you also need to know what risks you are taking. Placing your money into any old investment might not be the best option when you think about your wider goals and the tax position involved.
So how can we help?
Put simply, we find out about you, your current situation, your goals and then we recommend products and tailor our advice to match your goals.
At the same time, we make sure that your investments are as tax efficient as possible.
So, you might ask if have you already made good investments? If so, then why change?
Well, you probably shouldn’t!
When we carry out a review, in the majority of cases, our advice is to retain or adapt existing arrangements.
However, sometimes we find fundamental problems of which people are unaware, or further improvements that could be made.
For planning to truly be useful, we believe we need to examine everything in your estate, not just the money you have invested in stocks and shares.
And it’s often the little things that can make the big difference to both growing and protecting your wealth.
So, why should you talk to us?
Through St. James's Place we look after your investments for you, and we invest in funds and assets from all around the world, in a range of tax wrappers and structures. Ultimately, we help you by:
- helping you make the right decisions
- making investing more of a science
- providing guidance when times are tough
- freeing up your time

Is lifetime planning important?
Yes, it is. Ultimately, we are here to help you achieve your goals, and by working with you we help you to make positive financial actions and well-informed decisions for the long-term.
We use leading-edge financial software to create a plan of your finances and combine this with specialist research and analysis skills to find solutions and strategies that provide you with the greatest benefit.
The software we use shows your finances over the long-term, so you can visually see what the future will look like. You will also be able to see how alternative scenarios, and subsequent decisions can affect the likelihood of achieving your goals.
This helps to answer key questions that you may have, such as “Will I run out of money in retirement?”.
What’s next?
So, if you want a to engage with a firm of Chartered Financial Planners who will help you build a plan to reach your goals then please complete our contact form or book a call with one of our advisers on 01832 279170.
Key investment planning tools
We use a wide variety of planning tools to ensure that your investments are the right investments for your individual circumstances. From risk profiling and evaluation software to cashflow modelling, we ensure that our recommendations are firmly tested before they are used by you. Add to this our knowledge and experience as Chartered Financial Planners, and we ensure that you hold the right type of investment with an appropriate level of risk for you (and your family’s) specific goals.
Finance professionals can (and do) look at past performance regularly, even though we know that this is not representative of the future. It can however be informative. For example… How have investments derived their return? How much volatility has it experienced? A good question is often “has the investment performed as expected for the level of risk taken?”
When establishing Investment solutions for clients, we have the benefit of delving into St. James’s Place’s much greater resource.
The input of St. James’s Place allows not only for far greater scrutiny of fund managers during the fund selection process, but far deeper monitoring of the funds and external providers that we use than would be possible if we were to undertake this ourselves.
St. James's Place integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations including climate change throughout our investment approach.
St. James's Place's specialist engagement provider, engages with companies St. James's Place invest in on climate issues.
Discretionary Fund Management and stock broking services
Where clients have a need for a more bespoke investment than can be provided through conventional funds, we use Rowan Darington Discretionary Fund Management to build and manage appropriate portfolios tailored to your individual requirements. For example, if you hold a large number of single companies shares as a result of your employment or an inheritance, how can we manage the associated risk in a tax efficient way? This often requires a more bespoke service.
This service is provided by Rowan Dartington, which is the Discretionary Fund management and Stockbroking arm of St. James’s Place, which is wholly owned by the St. James’s Place Group.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place or Rowan Dartington and the income from it may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.